Other Development Opportunities

Leadership development programs, boot camps, 在线发展机会可供您完成,以建立和完善您的简历. While these positions are unpaid, 当你申请带薪工作机会时,你会获得在简历上很有价值的经验. Additionally, 你将与当地或来自全国各地的志同道合的学生建立联系,并开始建立你的专业网络.

回顾下面的每一个机会,并注意其中一些机会是在学年期间提供的,允许你申请暑期带薪实习. 研讨会提供帮助你准备你的申请,其中一些机会. Go to Workshop Dates 看看是否有研讨会提供你感兴趣的特定机会. If no workshops are offered and a resume is required to apply, use this resume format to structure your resume: Development Opportunity Resume 2022.


Alamo Colleges Student Leadership Institute (SLI)

The Alamo Colleges District Student Leadership Institute (SLI) develops and inspires students to become proactive, productive, and engaging leaders on campus, in the workplace, and in the community. SLI通过领导力培训为学生提供以原则为中心的领导力教育和培训, essential skills development, participating in community service, attending inspiring speaker presentations, and networking opportunities. Applications are due in Spring/Summer.



NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars (NCAS)

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NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars (NCAS) 通过让两年制学位的学生参与真实的学习体验,建立多元化的未来STEM劳动力. NCAS是一种混合学习体验,包括为期五周的在线课程和独特的NASA体验. Students get a closer look at the NASA missions, diverse workforce, 和世界一流的设施,学习如何发挥他们的才能, interests, and passion to become future STEM professionals. NCAS每年提供两次在线课程,全年都有NASA的体验. Applications are due on April 6, 2022.



Hispanic Association of Colleges & Universities (HACU) Leaders-in-Residence

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HACU领袖住宿是一个著名的大学项目,为学生提供领导力和职业发展培训. If selected, you will be designated as a "HACU Leader-in-Residence" at your college and will participate in leadership and career development webinars during the academic year; promote HACU internships and scholarships with faculty on campus, 获得参加秋季学期HACU年会的奖学金(机票), lodging & registration provided), 并获得结业证书和HACU学生会员年度会员资格. Application due in June.



Central Intelligence Agency-Hispanic Assn of Colleges & Universities (CIA-HACU) Boot Camp

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HACU和CIA合作伙伴提供ÉXITO: CIA职业探索训练营. 今年春天,多达30名大学新生将被选中参加在中央情报局设施举行的为期两天的职业探索活动. 被选中的学生将获得旅行奖励,以支付活动注册费用, round-trip airfare to Washington, D.C., meals, and lodging for the duration of the event.

Students meet with CIA hiring managers, staff, 并参加研讨会和网络活动,了解中情局的工作文化和追求职业机会的期望. Applications are due in the Spring



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Internship responsibilities include policy research, administrative duties, communications department support, community outreach, and constituent relations. 实习生将主要协助选民服务主任处理信件和驻地服务,但也可能被要求代表市长出席董事会和委员会听证会, neighborhood association meetings, and community events when needed. 这个机会在秋季、春季和夏季持续一整个学期. 申请截止日期:8月(秋季),12月(春季)和5月(夏季)

City of SA Mayor’s Office Internship

在阅读了各种类型的实习并浏览了他们的网站之后, compare and contrast the internships using the table below.

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